SRPR considers all types of poetry, including translations, multilingual poems, and long poems up to ten pages. Our free reading period runs from September 1 to February 28 each year.

Please send up to five poems. Please include a brief cover letter with the titles of the poems in your submission and a short biography.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted.

Response times may take up to one year.

SRPR publishes new, previously unpublished poetry only and seeks first serial rights in North America (FNASR) for poems selected for publication, which revert to the author upon publication of the issue in which the work appears.

Please note that SRPR has a fixed letter half trim size, which means poems with long lines or complex formatting may not fit well into the journal. While we make every attempt to accommodate formally experimental or long-line poetry in the journal's pages, we may refuse work that would simply not be well served by the journal's size.

If SRPR accepts your work, you will receive a complimentary contributor copy* of the issue in which your work appears, as well as a complimentary 1-year subscription to SRPR. You will also have the opportunity to purchase additional copies at a discount. (*International contributors will receive a complimentary digital copy of the issue in which your work appears, as we are no longer able to ship print copies outside the USA.)

If for any reason you’d like to withdraw a poem, please send us a message through Submittable. Please do not send requests to remove poems from your manuscript through Submittable’s “Open Editing” option.